The Power of the Tongue

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
Proverbs 15:1 (NIV)

Speak life and not death into others. I always found it essential to pour into others with encouraging words and show love versus being spiteful. I’m not sure if you recall BET series “Being Mary Jane” but out of all the chaos, I remember watching Gabrielle Union writing affirmations on a sticky note; and posting them on her tall glass window. Way before I saw the show I made it a routine to use post-it notes for my affirmations daily; and before departing I would read at least two or three to put myself in the right frame of mind. I started my freshman year in college by using some refreshing words from God’s Promises for Graduates by Jack Courtyman; and I realized that my quotes were not only for me, but for the Residential Assistant conducting room checks. There is power in the words we speak whether it’s positive or negative. Positivity is way more welcoming than negativity, and during my first deployment, smack down in the middle of my forehead, I quickly realized just how much being around a Negative Nancy drained me (never again). I was already being physically and mentally drained on the ship trying to take care of divisional duties, stand watch for hours in a day, study like crazy in order to pass my boards (despite the lack of sleep), and the list goes on. Being at it for seven months straight with minimum port visits took a toll on me; but it played a major role in my life. There were so many lessons learned during that season of my life, and because of that I now have something to refer to when those rough days decide to make an unwelcomed pit stop.  Although I didn’t appreciate it while I was going through the trenches I am stronger, wiser and better because of it. God doesn’t put anything on us that we cannot bear. Now that’s not to be mistaken with the consequences we face good or bad from the decision we make; but overall the seeds that we plant are waiting to be reaped in its proper season. This section of my website is for everyone to harvest and treasure words of encouragement no matter what season of life we are in. Please feel free to sow words of encouragement in the comment section, but remember to speak life and not death into others.

Peace, Love and Smooth Sailings! 
